Welcome to our world!
A world of excitement, growth, development, advancement, positive cash flow, and endless possibilities.
Helping you create wealth through US Real Estate Investing. A year that can change your life forever.
An experience unlike any other.
"An Investment in knowledge pays the best interest"
- Benjamin Franklin

If you want different results, you must be willing to do something different.


To attain your wildest dreams, many things come into play; mindset, attitude, vision, goal setting, knowledge, and who you surround yourself with. These are all necessary components to grow your inner and outer wealth - for success & abundance.
Everything is possible! Anyone willing to put in the effort to build their dreams, certainly deserve to see results. Becoming wealthy has nothing to do with the amount of money currently sitting in your bank account, your roots, or where you are today. It all starts with a vision, a dream, a plan, and a strong desire to do what it takes.
"Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is, according to one of the world’s brightest minds, the definition of insanity" (Albert Einstein).

1:1 Mentorship Program

An opportunity to join US for an entire year of growth and evolution. With personalized 1:1 mentorship and these advanced educational programs, not only will you get started the right way, this knowledge will help you get to where you want to go exponentially faster! That is, financial FREEDOM through US Real Estate Investing and living a life on YOUR terms!

  • Everything in the All You Can Learn FAST PASS
  • Lifetime Access to the All You Can Learn Pass

  • 26 Personalized 1:1 Mentorship Calls (45 min per session)

  • Personalized Roadmap for Success

  • Weekly Mastery Group Coaching Calls
  • Voxer support
  • Bi-Weekly Morning US Real Estate Accountability And Support Group


  • 26 Personnalized 1:1 Mentorship Calls (45 min per session)

  • Personalized Roadmap for Success (90min)

  • Comprehensive Deal Reviews - 3 per/month

  • Email Support

  • Voxer support

  • Private Facebook Group
  • Discounted STR Management Rate 18%

  • Preferential Access to JK's Power Teams

  • First Dibs on all Live In-Person Events; Masterminds, Bus Tours, Bootcamps, and Trips Abroad

  • Unlimited Priority Access to Deal Butler and Priotity Access to We Mind Renovations (Available in Cuyahoga County, Ohio only)
  • Comprehensive Deal Reviews - 3/month

  • Email Support

  • Discounted STR Management Rate 18%

  • Preferential Access to JK's Power Teams

  • First Dibs on all Live In-Person Events; Masterminds, Bus Tours, Bootcamps, and Trips Abroad

  • Priority Access to JK's Deal Butler and We Mind Renovations (Available in Cuyahoga County, Ohio only)
  • Comprehensive Deal Reviews - 3/month

  • Email Support


What is included?

What is included?

Full Access to the ALL YOU CAN LEARN PASS

Full Access to the ALL YOU CAN LEARN PASS

Weekly Group Mastery Call

Mastery group weekly call. This the time to ask US anythying. Have a deal you want to talk about? Aren't sure about the next steps? Don't know how to fill out a service agreement? Your realtor is forcing you to sign terms you aren't comfortable with? You received a quote from a lender and don't know how to process it? Come ask your questions so you can move forward in your business. We are here to help you get to your goals faster.
Together, we rise!

Entity Consultation

Entity Consultation with Robert (Bob) Bluhm is completely free and his services are discounted for all JK's Protégé Students. Meet with a brilliant attorney who has dedicated his life to protecting individuals and entities from lawsuits. Bob understands cross-border laws and regulations and will make sure you are set up properly from the very beginning. There is a time and place to play defense - this is it!

Lifetime Access to the ALL YOU CAN LEARN PASS!

Access over 30 self-paced programs to help you get started in US real estate the right way, from a solid foundation! 

Private Facebook Group

The more, the merrier. This is a safe container made for you to interact, ask questions, get updates, your class materials, The video recordings and rub shoulders with the other incredible members of these programs!

Remember, your net-worth = network!

Resource Centre

Find scripts, templates, 'how to' documents... This library is incredible and just keeps growing!



But wait… what the heck is a mastermind? A mastermind is a group of people who have similar interests and aspirations. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, describes it as ‘the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.’
Having been part of numerous masterminds over of years, I can tell you that they’re incredibly powerful and will bring you AND your business to the next level!
Let’s talk about what some of these benefits are:

Camaraderie - Friendships develop naturally with people you meet on a regular basis.

Accountability - Your group will hold you accountable for the goals that you’re trying to achieve. After all, you’re all motivated individuals who would love nothing more than to see your friends reach their dreams.

Perspectives - Everyone in your group has had different life experiences, which means they also have different world views. Listening to varying perspectives can open your mind to new things that you would have never thought about on your own. For example, how to get a Disney Park Platinum Pass at a 75% discount or have your business PAY YOU to go on vacation!

Access - Everyone in your group has access to resources and relationships that can benefit one another. People like to do business with people that they like and if they’re in the same group as you, they’ll be happy to open the doors of opportunity.

You’ve probably heard it more times than you can count. “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” a quote attributed most often to motivational speaker Jim Rohn. There’s also the “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” derivative.
You’re not the average of the FIVE people you surround yourself with. It’s way BIGGER than that. You’re the average of all the people who surround you. So take a look around and make sure you’re in the right surroundings.
You’ve probably heard it more times than you can count. “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” a quote attributed most often to motivational speaker Jim Rohn. There’s also the “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” derivative.
You’re not the average of the FIVE people you surround yourself with. It’s way BIGGER than that. You’re the average of all the people who surround you. So take a look around and make sure you’re in the right surroundings.

You are in good compa(nies)!

You are in good company.

Join satisfied students who are already using their knowledge to become financially free!

Join satisfied students who are already using their knowledge to become financially free!


My real estate journey began in Canada with flips and my first buy-and-hold property. As I aimed to expand, I set my sights on opportunities south of the border. Recognizing the different opportunities and challenges of the US market I began seeking guidance and that is when I discovered JK Partners' mentorship program.

Initially enrolling in the US Real Estate Bootcamp, I later committed to the full mentorship program. This decision marked a pivotal turning point in my journey.

Under JK Partners' guidance, I underwent a profound transformation. I learned to approach real estate investing as a business, gaining the confidence to navigate every facet of the process, from negotiations to renovations.
Perhaps the most significant aspect of my growth was the development of a strategic mindset for expanding my real estate portfolio. 

Through JK Partners, I not only gained practical skills but also acquired a deeper understanding of the nuances of real estate entrepreneurship. I encountered hurdles I hadn't anticipated, but thanks to the preparation from this program, I was well-equipped to overcome them.

Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of quality mentorship. JK Partners has not only empowered me to navigate the complexities of real estate investment but has also instilled in me the resilience and adaptability essential for success in any endeavor.

Currently, I am on the brink of closing deals on two additional buy-and-hold properties, leveraging creative financing strategies. Furthermore, I have several more properties under negotiation. With these achievements under my belt, I am excited to propel my business to even greater heights and continue my journey of growth and success in the world of real estate investment.


My real estate journey began in Canada with flips and my first buy-and-hold property. As I aimed to expand, I set my sights on opportunities south of the border. Recognizing the different opportunities and challenges of the US market I began seeking guidance and that is when I discovered JK Partners' mentorship program.

Initially enrolling in the US Real Estate Bootcamp, I later committed to the full mentorship program. This decision marked a pivotal turning point in my journey.

Under JK Partners' guidance, I underwent a profound transformation. I learned to approach real estate investing as a business, gaining the confidence to navigate every facet of the process, from negotiations to renovations.
Perhaps the most significant aspect of my growth was the development of a strategic mindset for expanding my real estate portfolio. 

Through JK Partners, I not only gained practical skills but also acquired a deeper understanding of the nuances of real estate entrepreneurship. I encountered hurdles I hadn't anticipated, but thanks to the preparation from this program, I was well-equipped to overcome them.

Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of quality mentorship. JK Partners has not only empowered me to navigate the complexities of real estate investment but has also instilled in me the resilience and adaptability essential for success in any endeavor.

Currently, I am on the brink of closing deals on two additional buy-and-hold properties, leveraging creative financing strategies. Furthermore, I have several more properties under negotiation. With these achievements under my belt, I am excited to propel my business to even greater heights and continue my journey of growth and success in the world of real estate investment.



I am French and have been in Canada since 2019.

Since Ive been in Canada Ive always thought it’d be a crime to not invest in real estate here.

The 1st time I came across JK it was through an add on IG. Back then I had found a great program and was about to start with the goal to start investing in Canada. Still I decided to listen to JK live presentation because they were talking about investing in US and I had this at the back of my mind.

The goal was to just listen, I was not interested at all in working with them. But I loved their presentation and 48h later they were in Burlington.

Despite the snow storm of that evening I took my car to go and meet them. I had to! The live presentation made me wonder if I should sign up with them, but I had to meet them and see if the types of people they are!

And what an amazing decision this was! I have never looked back since then.

I attended the Blueprint in April 2023. Afterwards I opened my legal entities while I kept on attending live coaching sessions and on listening to videos.

Closed my 1st Duplex November 2023 and closed my 2nd one end of January 2024. And both acquisitions are investments with positive cashflow!

I know I would have never been able to do what Ive done without them. I have fun, JK group is fantastic, and there’s so much more to come for me!

I am so thankful I listened to that live presentation as Ive been able to get so much more than what I hoped for when I signed up!


I am French and have been in Canada since 2019.

Since Ive been in Canada Ive always thought it’d be a crime to not invest in real estate here.

The 1st time I came across JK it was through an add on IG. Back then I had found a great program and was about to start with the goal to start investing in Canada. Still I decided to listen to JK live presentation because they were talking about investing in US and I had this at the back of my mind.

The goal was to just listen, I was not interested at all in working with them. But I loved their presentation and 48h later they were in Burlington.

Despite the snow storm of that evening I took my car to go and meet them. I had to! The live presentation made me wonder if I should sign up with them, but I had to meet them and see if the types of people they are!

And what an amazing decision this was! I have never looked back since then.

I attended the Blueprint in April 2023. Afterwards I opened my legal entities while I kept on attending live coaching sessions and on listening to videos.

Closed my 1st Duplex November 2023 and closed my 2nd one end of January 2024. And both acquisitions are investments with positive cashflow!

I know I would have never been able to do what Ive done without them. I have fun, JK group is fantastic, and there’s so much more to come for me!

I am so thankful I listened to that live presentation as Ive been able to get so much more than what I hoped for when I signed up!



I am a full-time real estate investor now but in my previous professional life I have over 20 years experience the medical device & pharmaceuticals industry in marketing, sales, business development & key account management.

With JK, I was able to gain knowledge & education I needed to know how to invest in US real estate safely and effectively as a Canadian Foreign national.

I joined JK as a partner as I know I needed the support to scale up my US REI business quickly. With the support of JK I was able to acquire 2 properties within 6 months of the JK Epic bus tour and start the formation of several joint venture partnerships to purchase additional properties in the near future. All within a year of attending the bus tour.

JK provided the support, motivation & accountability I needed to pivot to investing the US vs. Canada.

 It has been an amazing journey since attending the EPIC blueprint in April 2023 and I haven’t looked back or regretted a thing.

It has been fantastic working with Kyle as a JK partner and I have learned so much and will continue to with his guidance and support. He is an incredible teacher and mentor and I feel privileged to be able to work with him one on one as I move my real estate investing journey forward.

I can’t wait to see what else I can achieve with their support and the community.


I am a full-time real estate investor now but in my previous professional life I have over 20 years experience the medical device & pharmaceuticals industry in marketing, sales, business development & key account management.

With JK, I was able to gain knowledge & education I needed to know how to invest in US real estate safely and effectively as a Canadian Foreign national.

I joined JK as a partner as I know I needed the support to scale up my US REI business quickly. With the support of JK I was able to acquire 2 properties within 6 months of the JK Epic bus tour and start the formation of several joint venture partnerships to purchase additional properties in the near future. All within a year of attending the bus tour.

JK provided the support, motivation & accountability I needed to pivot to investing the US vs. Canada.

 It has been an amazing journey since attending the EPIC blueprint in April 2023 and I haven’t looked back or regretted a thing.

It has been fantastic working with Kyle as a JK partner and I have learned so much and will continue to with his guidance and support. He is an incredible teacher and mentor and I feel privileged to be able to work with him one on one as I move my real estate investing journey forward.

I can’t wait to see what else I can achieve with their support and the community.



Kyle has been and is one of our fav and best and most impactful coaches we have ever experienced.

Big thank you to the amazing Kyle for his coaching and mentorship - there is no better coach out there for real estate investing and he just keeps getting smarter, sexier and more fun with each day - we love you Kyle!!


Kyle has been and is one of our fav and best and most impactful coaches we have ever experienced.

Big thank you to the amazing Kyle for his coaching and mentorship - there is no better coach out there for real estate investing and he just keeps getting smarter, sexier and more fun with each day - we love you Kyle!!

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